Thursday, August 22, 2013

WELCOME TO PRE-K 2013-2014

I hope everyone is having a wonderful new school year so far!  We are having so much fun here at Pre-K!  I hope your child comes home excited to tell you what "new" thing they learned at school.  We are looking forward to a great year and an awesome class!!  Open House is August 28th from 5-6 pm.  We hope everyone will get a chance to come by and visit our classroom.

1 comment:

  1. Ms. Ellison & Ms Scott, thank you for giving so much joy to my granddaughter (E.L.) who did not want to start Pre-K nor school, she cries if she leaves the house late or at the thought of possibly missing the bus. She cannot wait to call me with her many stories or adventures, thank you both.
