Friday, April 25, 2014

I hope everyone had a great Easter and spring break!!

This week we learned about bugs, caterpillars, and butterflies.  We went on a bug hunt with our magnifying glasses.

We also went on a field trip to Bradwell Institute on Wednesday!

We saw a snake, a tortoise, and a rabbit.  We got to visit the gym, media center, and art room, and some other places.  It was a lot if fun!!

Field day is coming up on May 7th.   There is only 20 more days of school left!!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!! Remember Spring Fling is today from 4-7!

Friday, March 28, 2014

We had so much fun learning about space this week!
We blasted our spaceships off today using water, alka seltzer and a film canister.  We made edible rocket ships.  We learned about all the planets and the sun.  We took turns walking like an astronaut on the moon.

Next week our theme is spring/plants!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!!!!

Friday, March 21, 2014

This week we learned all about the weather.  The students participated in many fun experiments!  We used prisms to find rainbows, and microwaved a bar of Ivory soap to make a cloud. We went outside and caught the wind and made a rain cloud in a cup! We also learned some safety tips for bad weather.

Next week we will learn about space.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

We have had a blast the last 2 weeks.  Last week our theme was Dr. Seuss.  We read many Dr. Seuss books like; Hop on Pop, The Cat in the Hat, The Foot Book, Green Eggs and Ham, One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish,  and Fox in Socks.  We all tried green eggs and ham, and we took a vote: YES we liked it or NO we did not.

This week we celebrated St. Patrick's Day.  We had a grand parade and dressed in Green!  We made hats and shakers for the parade! We learned about Ireland too.  We also had a sneaky Leprechaun come and make a mess in our room!  Before we left we made Shamrock Shakes! They were so good! YUM!!!!!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for making our Valentine party so special.  There was so much food that we had snacks today and then some!  I really appreciate all you do for our classroom! The kids had so much fun passing out their valentine cards!  The participation was awesome!  I hope everyone enjoyed their nice long weekend.

This week we are learning about our 5 senses.  Today we made a 5 senses bear.

Next week we are learning all about Dental Awareness.  We have scheduled a dentist to come and talk to us about keeping our teeth clean and healthy.

Again, thank you for your support!

Mrs. Ellison

Friday, February 7, 2014

We had a great Chinese New Year Parade today!  Next week out theme is Valentine's! We will be having a party on Thursday, 2/13/14.  Letters about our party were sent home in folders today.

 Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

This week we are learning all about Groundhogs and Chinese New Year! On Friday we are having a parade to celebrate Chinese New Year! Please come out and support our school! The parade will start at 9:30.  Please allow your child to wear red on this day.

Please send any empty 16 oz. water bottles you have for our Parent Workshop on 2/11/14 our topic is "A Night of Science"

Calendars for February went home on Monday.  Our theme next week is Valentines!

We will have a valentine exchange on Thursday, 2/13/14.  Please send in an empty decorated cereal box with your student.  This will be used for Valentine cards.

If you send in Valentine cards please leave the TO: section blank, and have your student sign their name on the FROM: section.  We have 22 students in our class.

We will send more information home on Friday about Valentine's.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Happy Winter everyone!! We have been doing lots of fun Winter activities today we had a "snowball fight, and ice skated" using paper plates.  We also made snowman art and wind socks.  We read the book, "The Mitten".  We also made snow using insta snow.

Next week we are learning all about artic animals.